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99 Fun Things To Do In A Boring Lesson?

  list of 99 fun things to do when you’re stuck in a boring lesson at school. Try to develop psychic powers, then use them. Inflate a beachball and throw it around the room. When everybody’s quiet, start beat boxing. Answer the teachers questions in slow motion. Laugh stupidly for no reason. Pretend you’re flying a jet fighter in the Gulf War. Churn some butter. Answer the teachers in gangsta slang. Rhyme the last words of everybody’s sentences. Pretend you are Harry Potter and your scar hurts. Ask the teacher for his/her phone number. See how long you can hold your breath. Take your pants off and give them to the teacher. Chew on your arm until someone notices. Change seats every three minutes. Answer the teachers questions very fast. Shave. Run across the room, tag someone and say “you’re it!” Make a paper plane and try to get it stuck in an awkward or unreachable place. Think of five new ways to use your shoes. Start a mexican wave. Get a thunderstorm sound on your phone. Sometime d