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5 futuristic Technologies That Will Change the World in future

  From the industrial revolution to Space exploration, technology is set to redefine our future. The last decade has seen incredible breakthroughs in technology innovation. Undeniably, technology has made its way into all aspects of an individual’s life as well as a business. From the evolution of artificial intelligence, the internet of things (IoT) and 5G to cloud computing, big data and analytics, technology has the potential to transform everything, revolutionizing the future of the world. Already, we are seeing the rapid roll out of autonomous vehicles that are currently in trial phases. Forward-thinking companies seem not to miss any chance to bring breakthrough innovation to the world. Here is the top emerging technology boom that will redefine the future and the world we live in.   Autonomous Things Autonomous things (AuT), or the Internet of autonomous things, is an incredible development within technology. Driven by the likes of disruptive technologies such