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5 futuristic Technologies That Will Change the World in future


Emerging Technology

From the industrial revolution to Space exploration, technology is set to redefine our future.

The last decade has seen incredible breakthroughs in technology innovation. Undeniably, technology has made its way into all aspects of an individual’s life as well as a business. From the evolution of artificial intelligence, the internet of things (IoT) and 5G to cloud computing, big data and analytics, technology has the potential to transform everything, revolutionizing the future of the world. Already, we are seeing the rapid roll out of autonomous vehicles that are currently in trial phases. Forward-thinking companies seem not to miss any chance to bring breakthrough innovation to the world.

Here is the top emerging technology boom that will redefine the future and the world we live in.


Autonomous Things

Autonomous things (AuT), or the Internet of autonomous things, is an incredible development within technology. Driven by the likes of disruptive technologies such as AI, big data, and the cloud, AuT is become a more exciting term in technological developments and will continue to advance. As it uses AI to act upon complex tasks that previously performed by humans, autonomous things have the ability to supply cutting-edge performances that work together more naturally with their environment and with individuals. Self-driving vehicles, robots, and UAVs and drones are significant parts of autonomous things. 



The emergence of nanomedicine, an application of nanotechnology, is already proving an effective approach to the management of severe diseases. As drugs in the human body absorbed very quickly and removed too fast as waste before treatment, nanomedicine can increase the time period in which a drug remains active in the body. Recent advances in genetics, proteomics, molecular and cellular biology, material science, and bioengineering have significantly contributed to the development of nanomedicine. Medical scientists currently are working on various medical devices and equipment that use nanotechnology to improve efficiency, safety, and personalization.


Space Tourism

Rapid advances in technology are making Space tourism a reality. Today, there are a large number of companies in race developing sub-orbital tourist vehicles, including Blue Origin, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, etc. Though space exploration for humans is in its infancy, the opportunities space exploration presents to the world now will determine its maturity for future generations. On the other hand, as humans’ already chosen shuttle as a mode of transportation to outer space, there are some companies reimagining space elevators. This imagination of space elevator pushed a step forward when a team of researchers from Shizuoka University in Japan in September 2018 announced to launch an experiment to the International Space Station.


Gesture-Based Computing

Unlike common input devices like a keyboard, mouse, game controller, or voice technology, gesture-based computing typically refers to interfaces where the human body interacts with digital resources without using these input devices. There has been a lot of buzz around the development of gesture-based computing over the years. This emerging interface is much more than tilting and shaking a device, intending to replace the mouse and keyboard as a means of communicating with a computer or tablet. Its one of the most lucrative applications lies in education technology. In modern marketplaces, gesture-based technology is on the rise, allowing effective marketing interactions between brands and consumers. 



Nanobots are sort of robots that perform a very specific function and are ~50–100 nanometre wide. Nanorobots have come a long way from a science fiction term to the next generation of nanodevices development. They have now expected to transform the technology related to medical diagnosis and drug delivery. It is also predicted that nanobots will have a tremendous impact on medicine, such as a nanodoctor inside the body. With these robots, the treatment of cancer, one of the leading causes of death in the world, can be cured effectively as they will move independently around the body and spot a cancer cell.

There are also a lot of technological innovations at the corner that are set to revolutionize the world. Those are including driverless vehicles, Quantum computing, 3D printed food, Robotic retail, virtual workspaces influenced by mixed reality (AR and VR), clean energy revolution powered by digital twins, and more.



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