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GTA V Free Download for pc


GTA V Free Download


GTA V Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for windows. Grand Theft Auto V 2015 PC Game is an action and adventure game.

Grand Theft Auto V PC Game 2015 Overview

GTA 5 is developed by Rockstar North and is published under the banner of Rockstar Games. The release date of this game is 14th April 2015. GTA V game can be played either by first person or by third person perspective. You can also download Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition.

GTA V PC Game Free Download

GTA V PC Game Free Download and get ready for action. The story revolves around Michael Townley who is under the witness protection in Las Santos, San Andreas after mismanaged robbery attempt at Ludendorff. Michael discovered that his wife is cheating upon him and has an affair with her tennis coach. Furious to hear about the affair, Michael chased down the coach and destroyed him. All of this happened in a mansion owned by the girlfriend of a drug lord Martin Madrazo. Now Martin demands a heist at a jewelry shop from Michael and from here onwards Michael’s life changed, his family left him and he with his old pals has been left entangled in the criminal underworld. Now the team has to pull off several fatal heists for their survival in the cold-blooded city where nobody is trustworthy. You may also like to download GTA San Andreas.

GTA V has seen a major overhaul in technical and visual aspects. The visuals are more crispy with 4k resolution the player can experience lots of new additions like new weaponry, vehicles and wildlife. The traffic has been made denser. The weather system has been enhanced greatly. GTA V also includes a brand new Rockstar editor. Which will provides a whole bunch of editing tool to the player to create the gameplay clips and publish them on YouTube. Lots of mission and linear scenarios have been included Players can also roam freely here and there in an open world. The world depicted in GTA V is much larger than all the other previous releases and is comprised of countryside San Andreas plus fictional city of Las Santos. Player can run, jump and use vehicles to explore the area. Player can also use melee attacks and different explosive to compete with the enemies. GTA 5 like in all previous GTA releases features multiple radio stations which can be play several genres of music whenever the player enters in a vehicle. You can also opt for GTA Liberty City Vice City.


Features of GTA V PC Game

Following are the main features of GTA V PC Game that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.

  • Impressive action adventure game.
  • Major overhauling in technical and visual aspects.
  • New weaponry, vehicles included.
  • New wildlife included.
  • Denser traffic.
  • Enhanced weather system.
  • Includes brand new Rockstar editor.
  • Can use melee attack and other explosives.
  • Features multiple radio station playing different genres of music.


System Requirements of GTA V PC Game 2015

Before you start GTA V Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.

  • Operating System: Windows 7/ Windows 8 and 8.1 ( 64 Bit )
  • CPU: Intel Core to Quad 2.4 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Setup Size: 59 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 65 GB

GTA V Free Download

Click on the below button to start GTA V Free Download. It is full and complete game. Just download and start playing it. We have provided direct link full setup of the game.


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