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The Flash': Does the Season 7 Poster Tease New Powers for a Certain Character?

'The Flash': Does the Season 7 Poster Tease New Powers for a Certain Character?

Erika Delgado | MORE ARTICLES

August 13, 2020

The CW just dropped the first poster for The Flash Season 7. Could the promotional image provide clues about what will happen next? Here’s what we know so far. [Spoiler warning: The following article contains details about The Flash Season 6.]

The Flash Cast
The Flash Cast | Smallz+Raskind/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. via Getty Images

‘The Flash’ is gearing up for season 7 production

The Flash Season 6 halted production along with the rest of Hollywood, which was paralyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. But Deadline reports that protocols are in place to resume filming on several Berlanti Productions series, including The Flash.

According to the news outlet, the studio must provide the talent with a 30-day notice indicating the shoot date. Next, the stars would undergo two-weeks of self-isolation in Vancouver, British Columbia, which is where The Flash shoots. Production would likely begin around the end of August after the required quarantine period ends.

Season 7 will pick up where a jaw-dropping cliffhanger left off

Because the COVID-19 pandemic caused Hollywood to shut down, The Flash ended the season prematurely, making season 6 episode 19 the makeshift finale. The showrunner, Eric Wallace, spoke with TV Line about the consequences of ending The Flash Season 6 three episodes early.

“And that has really affected our storytelling for all of Season 7,” explained Wallace. The show boss confirmed that the beginning of season 7 will wrap up the story arc that was intended to conclude in season 6. “Because this is The Flash, there’s a huge twist at the end of every season, said Wallace, “and that twist is now kind of coming in the middle of the [start of the] season.”

Wallace went on to say that the team already has the subsequent arc mapped out. “Not only do we know what happens at the end of season 6, but I could tell you all of season 7 right now,” confessed Wallace.

The first poster for the season features Iris and a curious caption

As seen on Twitter, in the first promotional poster for The Flash Season 7, one character is front and center. Iris West Allen stands with arms crossed and sporting a steely gaze. Behind her is a backdrop of an illustrated comic strip. In the drawing, a mirror shatters behind her. The caption reads, “Heroes will be reborn. The Flash Season 7 is coming 2021 to The CW!”

The social media post drops hints about where the story will head in season 7. Primarily, the broken mirror indicates that Mrs. West Allen will escape the Mirrorverse that became her prison in the last half of season 6.

The next clue about the coming season lies in the caption, “Heroes will be reborn.” Could that phrase refer to Iris’ blossoming powers? In The Flash Season 6 finale, Iris was learning to manipulate the environment around her in the Mirrorverse. And in a shocker, she disappeared into a mirror prism as if teleporting to another location. Is it possible that when Iris returns home, she will maintain powers gained inside the Mirror Dimension, thereby being reborn as a hero?

The final clue is the design of the poster itself, which leans into a comic book style. That element alludes to what Wallace told TV Line about how The Flash Season 7 will be structured into story arcs called “Graphic Novels.”

“There are going to be more Graphic Novels next year, but they’re not going to be broken up in the way I think folks expect,” said Wallace. He added, “Amid the horror and the tragedy of what’s happening with this pandemic, if we can find some kind of lemonade in the lemon, it’s us having to rethink a few things about how a Flash season looks, given this ‘narrative unpredictability’ to the season.”

The Flash will return to The CW in 2021. Until then, fans can catch up on Netflix.

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